Elizabeth McMonagle's performance as the Narrator is a vocal highlight amongst a cast of excellent singer/dancer/actors. [McMonagle] belts out every note in the numerous solos/duets/trios with precise clarity and vibrato that enhances the warmth she has on stage, drawing the audience in to the story she is telling. Not just a solo singer with personality, [McMonagle] is often seen jubilantly dancing right along with the brothers and/or three wives [...] in heels and all.
Marc Gonzalez, "Road to 1,000"
Super star McMonagle goes about as far as any performer can towards recreating the fun, laughter and joy that was Fanny Brice; while she also manages to capture the brash, chutzpah and darling klutziness, along with the dazzling sounds and energy that made Barbra Streisand a star in the very same show. McMonagle is a performer really sets a theater ablaze...
The fact remains the real standout is McMonagle in the leading role debut, which is a kind of impossibility - a dynamic talent playing the role of a spectacular entertainer, portrayed by a performer who became a Broadway/Hollywood super star in this particular role. Yet somehow McMonagle manages to put her own stamp on this portrayal by never going foe duplication or imitation. She does the role justice and does it well. Here is a spontaneous comedian, with a big belt sound and just a smidge of chutzpah thrown in to make it ring true. WOW!